Why Whatsapp Call Is Not Working? 12 Ways You Can Do To Fix It

There are might be few reasons why Whatsapp call is not working. In this article, I will show you what you can do to resolve it.

Why Whatsapp Call Is Not Working

Restart Your Phone

Next thing you can do is restart your phone. Reason is, your device’s RAM may be full. Even you thought you completely close other applications, some might not close completely and could still running in background.

So whatsapp unable to run its process and create related file to make a call.

Grant Necessary Permissions

Whatsapp requires access permission to microphone and other permissions to make a call. You need to check if required permission already granted.

If you are using Android, you can check by open Settings on your phone. Go to Apps. Click on Whatsapp. Click on Permission.

If you are using iPhone, open Settings and go to Privacy. Click on Microphone. Click on toggle button next to Whatsapp icon, to enable the permission.

Check Internet Connection

Ensure that your device has internet connection. If you are connected to mobile data, ensure it has active mobile data plan or internet subscription. Make sure your data connection has strong network at least on 3G network. If it shows like H+ or GPRS on the network bar, it might be due to that.

If you are connected to wifi, ensure that internet is available and has strong signal.

You can try to do simple internet connection checking by simply browse to any website. If you are not able to browse, it maybe due to no internet connection.

If you are using wifi, you may ask your family or housemate who uses the same wifi connection, whether they encounter the same issue.

Conflicting Third-Party Apps

Sometimes, security apps such as Antivirus or Antimalware could also interfere the whatsapp process. It might have feature that by default, block any apps from making a call. Hence, require to enable the permission from the security app.

Another thing is, ensure that you don’t have any VPN running. It might cause slow internet connection as it is connected to greatly far VPN server.

You may to consider to deactivate both apps as it might be the reason why Whatsapp call is not working.

Reinstall or Update WhatsApp

You may reinstall Whatsapp as some files might be corrupted or missing. By reinstalling, the corrupted and missing files will be created.

Outdated Whatsapp also can be the root cause. As current version might have bugs or Whatsapp restrict user from making call, until they update the Whatsapp to newest version.

Disable Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode might be turned ON. Disable it and then try again to make a call on Whatsapp.

Disable Battery Saver

If you enabled battery saver, possible that the call features unable to turn on as it might be labeled as high battery utilisation app.

Disable Data Saver Mode

Disable data saver mode. Whatsapp call will not working as device prevent any apps to make a call via mobile data to save data utilisation.

Allow WhatsApp to Use Mobile Data (iPhone)

If you are using iPhone and on mobile data, you may check on permission to all allow Whatsapp to use mobile data.

Clear Cache (Android)

If you do not want to reinstall Whatsapp, you may try to clear the Whatsapp app cache. But this only applicable if you are using Android.

There is possibility that the temporary or cache files are corrupted or missing some important files. By clear the cache, Whatsapp app will able to create a new cache files.

Check Microphone And Speaker

If you are able to make a call, but no sounds, it might be the issue caused by microphone or speaker.

You can make a traditional call to your friends or family just to check on the micophone or speaker.

Whatsapp could be down, that’s why Whatsapp call is not working

Well, dead end, Whatsapp could be down. There is nothing you can do.

You can ask your nearest family or colleagues whether they are facing the same issue. 

Try look over on social media or news whether there is any news on Whatsapp status.

Why Whatsapp Call Is Not Working – Resolved!

Well, I hope you found this article helpful.

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